Saturday, 5 March 2011

The age of the size zero celebrity.

From the once voluptuous figures of the screen icons, to the stick thin size zero celebs of today. Our perceptions of what looks good have changed dramatically.

In past years, we have been influenced by the media to try and aspire to be like the size zero celebs. However, now there is a real media move away from this unhealthy unobtainable size. The magazines once hailing celebs such as Mischa Barton and Nichole Richie for their weight loss are now saying they have gone too far, with before and after images showing shocking weight loss.

There are constant images in magazines now, with thin collar bones circled and arrows pointing to bony knees. This is no longer a good look to have. And thank god its about time!

The previous type of media hype, congratulating thin celebrities has aided in numbers of young women with eating disorders going up. The size revolution that is upon us, will hopefully help to influence young women and men that it is no longer seen as fashionable, and a healthy weight is best.

The media has such a large impact on the fashion world and everyone’s lives. I am glad that there is now a size revolution upon us to try and change the way we see things.

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